25 January 2011

AIDA on Masada - Summer 2011

Because flying across the world to where it all began isn’t dramatic enough, the Israeli Opera brings you their awe-inspiring art form in two of the country’s most awe-inspiring places : in the Sultan’s Pool overlooking the Old City walls, and at the foot of the majestic and famous mountaintop of Masada.
It’s all happening; The Israeli International Outdoor Opera Festival- June 2 to 11, 2011.
The Aida Opera has the whole operatic package- scandalous confusion, dramatic fight scenes,  and back and forth battles between the characters’ minds and hearts. If you want to get sucked into the drama world and yet feel super classy and sophisticated at the same time ( Reality TV has not yet mastered this delicate dance), this is your venue.
A taste of the storyline -
1.       The High Priest in Egypt during the reign of the Pharoahs foresees an inevitable war between Egypt and Ethiopia.
2.       He gives the news to Radames, a young general of the army. Good news for Radames, who fantasizes about becoming commander-in-chief of the army.
3.       Complication- Radames also happens to be secretly in love with Aida, the Ethiopian slave (and for whom the opera is named after).
4.       Further complication- Amneris, the King’s daughter, is in love with Radames, but has an inkling there is another woman in his life. And she isn’t happy about that. Not happy at all.
And that’s just the very beginning…..
The Israeli Opera is a newer innovation in the Holy Land art scene, and is furiously making symphonic waves, gaining recognition for this oft overlooked art form. One of their goals is bringing opera into creative arenas, to the vast public who would never even think of stepping foot into an Opera House.  As the Israeli Opera states, they want the public to know that opera is the “most exciting art form on planet earth.” Well put!
Hey, get further pampered while you’re at it! If you want a packaged deal, you have several options- Do a 1,2, or 3 night stay at the Dead Sea and Hotel Spa, then take a round-trip shuttle to Aida on Masada.
For anyone who loves to see behind the scenes  action, watch this Youtube clip to witness what intense work is involved into getting this opera in motion. Notice sweat on conductor’s face,  gym shoes  below costumes.
As a rule, opera is a passionate ride. So bring your tissues and an emotional seatbelt. Twists and turns are all part of the Israeli Opera’s magical pizzaz.

Go Karting in Jerusalem

Are you hands itching to get behind the wheel, racing around the Jerusalem hills with wind blowing through your hair?
Are you hesitating because you’ve watched how Israelis drive?
index 01 01 Jerusalem Go Karting!There’s a way to satisfy that need for speed without sacrificing your wellbeing or scaring the living day lights out of you- Go Kart Racing!
Yes, it’s true, Jerusalem has its very own indoor karting track, and it’s brand new.
Schedule your birthday party, your bat mitzvah or Israel tour group, or bring your officemates down for some old-fashioned competition to get out any computer slow speed internet aggression.
Only the finest go karts can be found here : Presenting the plush, Sodi Kart RX7.
If you’re from America and feeling nostalgic, , you should know that Go Karting is originally an American delicacy. They don’t call America the land of the free for nothing- it was there that Go Karting began. It is believed that deep in the southern rolling valleys of sunny California, Art Ingles actualized his vision of the world’s first Go Kart in 1956. It quickly became The Thing To Do, spreading quickly across America.
Go Karting is not just child’s play. Oh, no. According to Wikipedia, “Karting is commonly perceived as the stepping stone to the higher and more expensive ranks of motorsports.” Your trip to Israeli’s indoor GoKarting facility could be the beginning of an auto racing career.  Or just a really good time.
Check them out at http://www.teamkarting.co.il/English.aspx
They are located at Haoman St 17, in Keyon Lev in Talpiyot, just go on down to the fourth parking level and let it rip!

18 January 2011

Girls night out in Israel...

A Girl’s night out in Israel the way it should be.
A whole new window into the world of Jewish women.  Warning: Restricted access only. By women, for women.
In an outrageously clever musical with original script and choreography, emergesJUDGE! Song of Devorah. Brought to you by the hearty women and girls of Gush Ezion, in their all-women’s theatre ensemble, Raise Your Spirits Theatre.
It’s got it all- a woman crooning in a heavy metal impersonation, a  bubbe in fluorescent vacation attire straight out of the Floridian coast, kvelling over her son’s success (even though he ( she) happens to be also the story’s prime villain). It’s got ballet, modern dance, synchronized fight scenes, operatic professionals, pleasing harmonies, biblical verses being recited in traditional fashion, and women from across the generational and religous lines . Think the hilarious surprise and writing flair of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoast combined with the endearing communal warmth of Fiddler on the Roof.
The only thing is doesn’t have- is men. Like in the Shakespearian days, only in reverse.
Raise Your Spirits Theatre explains the birth of their cultural phenomenon – “In 2001, amidst an atmosphere of grief and terror, a group of women in Gush Etzion joined together to the raise spirits of their community and all of Israel.  Rather than succumb to the depression caused by daily terror attacks, they decided to start a project that would give them a positive outlet and something wonderful to look forward to. They decided to put on a show. The rest, as they say, is history.”
This show brings to light the lesser known historical account of the prophetess  and acclaimed judge Devorah, and the heroic Jewish struggle for (you guessed it) self preservation from enemies that wish to subjugate the Jews, this time against the Canaanite King Yavin, around the 12th century BCE.
JUDGE! courageously endeavors to discuss the still contemporary plight of religious women who are trying to negotiate between finding their voice versus appearing socially acceptable. The musical opens in a crowd-pleasing number, with the Jewish townspeople raving about Devorah. “You have a gift!” they insist. “Oh this?” Devorah shrugs modestly… “It’ nothing…” Later in the scene she argues with Barak, another Jewish leader- “How can I, a woman, outshine you?” So begins the complexity of the tale, of a Jewish woman’s search for her voice and the triumph that results from her rising up to the challenge.
Yael, the ultimate heroine, is likewise shown caught uncomfortably in the middle of this societal battle, in a cheeky and catchy number “Be a Good Girl”- with charm-school pressures whipping Yael into a frenzy.
Sisera, the evil villain who was King Yavin’s army general, is played by a bad-to-the-bone actress who saunters and jumps energetically around the stage, offering tons of comic relief.
One thing is for sure- throughout the play you will either be laughing out loud, tearing up, or tapping your feet to a catchy beat.
JUDGE! is an inspiring glimpse into the developing Jewish cultural movement, and the flourishing women’s arm of it. With more funding, this group could catapult to sensational heights.
Find out about the remaining JUDGE! performances, and other upcoming shows you can attend while touring in Israel, visit http://www.raiseyourspirits.org/

17 January 2011

Luxury in Israel

Israel just got more luxurious.
Waldor Hotel Jerusalem 259x100 Luxury in IsraelThe renowned Waldorf Astoria hotel chain is announcing plans to break ground on its second hotel on Israeli soul, this time in Tel Aviv on the beautiful shoreline. Wow wow wow. But wait- what is a Waldorf Astoria hotel and why are we wowing over it? The Waldorf Astoria hotel was the ORIGINAL luxury hotel, and the additional hotel chains located in a few, select locations around the world are still famous for their lavish, grand accommodations, opulent style, and fantastic, attentive service.  Basically, for their ability to make you feel like you have a million bucks even if you don’t. And if you do, to make you feel like you have 10 million, you get the point.
So it will come to this- after basking in the light, the sounds, and the frenetic energy of touring in Tel Aviv during the day, come home at night to plush, silken couch cushions, easing your feet in a soothing Jacuzzi, feeling fabulously pampered…. In basic English, “live the life.”
Too much on the edge of your seat to wait for the Tel Aviv construction? The Waldorf Austria hotel in Jerusalem, across from the Mamilla Hotel, is expected to be finished in 2011. We’re talking a $100 million dollar investment, minutes away from the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
A little Waldorf Astoria history (what’s a trip to the Holy Land without another history lesson?) Heir to John Jacob Astor III, William Waldorf Astor built the first Waldorf Hotel on the site of his Fifth Avenue mansion. 13-stories high, this hotel opened in 1893 .The Waldorf in no time flat became THE gathering place for the world’s wealthy and socially elite. Not to be outdone, Waldorf’s Cousin John Jacob Astor 1V built  the prestigious and immensely elegant 17 story Astoria hotel four years later, connecting it to the Waldorf through (what else?) a 300 foot marble corridor. Waldorf- Astoria quickly became a household name amongst the rich and fabulous. In 1949, Conrad N. Hilton of Hilton Hotels bought the chain.
Just to highlight how special Israel is- Waldorf Astoria has of yet only 5 other hotels around the world- four of them in the United States, and one in Saudia Arabia. To check them out, visit http://www.waldorfastoria.com.

05 January 2011

The hunt for Diamonds in Israel

The hunt for Diamonds in Israel…
Tourists to Israel already have the opportunity to sift through dirt discarded from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, they can visit Zion Oil searching for “black gold,” and they can view the Haifa bay gas refineries from atop Mount Carmel...how about mining for Diamonds?
Sometimes, in order to strike it rich, you have to follow the advice of wise people and have a lot of faith.
In a remarkable story, former Israel mayor Arie Goral traveled to the holy city of Brooklyn to speak with the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. The Rebbe advised Goral:
“Haifa sits on the sea, and one shouldn’t be impressed by depth. Haifa has a sea, and it has a valley, and the valley contains good and precious stones. The Lord has done something miraculous: he has hidden the stones deep in the earth, and it looks like they’re deep in the river.”
When someone of such high spiritual stature hints at something like that, there are two logical courses of action to take:  listen or don’t listen.  An ardent follower of the Lubavitcher Rebbe,  Avraham “Avi” Taub  ( whom the Rebbe had encouraged to follow his diamond mining business dreams),packed up his bags and went a-searching for treasure in the Haifan valleys.
Taub left everything he had and founded Shefa Yamim, dedicated to the discovery of diamonds. The latest jaw dropping move ( as if this article hasn’t had enough already)  is that Shefa Yamim is now planning on issuing $100 million worth of stock, an unusual fundraising tactic to be open to the public.
Shefa Yamim is the first and only company  on the search for precious stones in Israel.
So what’s the diamond turnout been like so far? Shefa Yamim has discovered 76 diamonds, mostly micro-diamonds, and 14 kimberlite boulders. A  few other precious stones have also been found – sapphires, rubies, emeralds, kainite, and corundrum.
A word to the wise- listen to the wise!

04 January 2011

Comedy, Israel Style


A little Jewish humor goes a long way.
Everyone knows that the Jewish people rule in their deep grasp on the absurdities and peculiarities of life, expressed in the unique, sarcastic, one-liners classic of the Hebraic faith. That’s a fancy way of saying “we’re pretty funny.”
So while in Israel, how can you get a taste of that (besides on the bus, in the shuk, and out of every chutzpadik Israel’s mouth)? Where can you grab a beer, or a cocktail, sit back in some sunken comedy club, laugh uproariously, and be a part of the obnoxious audience peanut gallery?
Tourists in Israel are heading on down to Off the Wall Comedy Basement, located in a hidden cranny underground, right off of the bustle of Ben Yehuda nightlife. http://www.israelcomedy.com/
David Kilimnik, Jerusalem’s famous comedian, will meet you with all the Jewish style, self-deprecating humor you can handle, spinning off jokes that will make your mouth drop open. Catch his classic, original comedy routines “Find me a Wife” and “The Aliyah Monologues.”
There’s something for everyone at Off the Wall, and if you are feeling depraved of good, old fashioned, karaoke crooning ( including Women’s Only night), you have found the right place ( bring your ear plugs just to be safe. Karoke is a dangerous sport). Check out their weekly calendar to catch the latest additions, including Open Mic Poetry Slams, Young Comedians Night, and Open Mic Music nights.